rawr ! Hellooo my dear butts =D
there's lotsa things me wanna blog bout, but !
The very first thing that come to my mind is, THE BOYS LIKE GIRLS concert ! or shud i say, A PARTY?
hmmm, its another free concert organized by Nokia =D ( duhhh! i will hardly spend for a chargeable party :X ) In Bkt Kiara Equiestrian Indoor Club~
After school, me xingti kahyee waiting for kahyee's daddy to fetch us to her home~
We cleaned up & had our KFC thr =D
bout 3+, we headed to our destination! though it start at 7pm, *we're aiming for the SUPERB COOOOOOL PHONE!*
Reached there, saw shermaine & another gang of our school mate =) but we dunoo them,
we sit beside sher, & start chatting sana ! just a while, the sky starts to go dark...& sooner, it RAINS !!!! =( the staff there ask us to find a shelther instead of standing there..they wont let us in before 6pm ! Rawr..so sucky ! we w/o umbrealla lah !
so we hide in a small blue tent =D
after 2+hrs of hiding in the tent, its about 4.30pm, everyone rushing to the gate there to queue up though its just 4 smt ! .__. & dunno why, we following also .__.
standing there till 6, IM ALL WET WET WET WET !
luckily there's some kind one to share us there umbrella there, but some still.. they selling fish, like very KESIAN to share umbrella.
Xingti said there's a gang of girls, keep on "excuse me & excuse me.." when xingti touches her accidentally. Xingti is wet but she's stil dry, so.. ==?
btw, darling, chap, eugeneG, neo, gizo, alan are on their way here ! =D
evryone run in the gate randomly ! the gate broke down & some left one of their shoes there ! HAHAHAHAHAH
& the following photos are when we're in front of the last entrance to the concert =D
pushing each other & blah!
thers one who smoke ._.
baby & his fren is at the middle while me & butt on the right side
we met inside the concert =D
opening by DJs. The girl is pretty cool~
& two local band, each with 5 songs
me dunno them ;(
Guess who nest? *NEXT!*
i love his songs lahh! live super nice TT
thats; for the concert =)))))
most of them went makan,
me xingti kahchuah yuhjiun balik =D
chinyuen too!
hawk peck ! :x
i want to be there too!!!
darling : mwahxs!!
jianwei: i tot u going lah~!
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